Wednesday, 5 May 2010

How did Allah make the Universe? [An easy reply to Atheists.]

Asalam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabakaraktuh.

How did Allah make the Universe?

[An easy reply to Atheists.]

Many Atheists
(disbelievers in God) ask Theists (believers in God) that if God created the Universe, how did He actually make it? What are the exact details?

The dilemma
: The Theists then become confused as to how they should reply, they don't want to say something about God without knowledge, nor do they want to disagree that God does not contradict science.

So what's the Answer?

The Answer in 3 basic steps:

1 -
"Be! and it Is." Allah/God creates through different methods, one method is of Him saying Kun [Be!] fa ya Koon [and it is]. [see Surah Yasin 36:81-2. Or al Baqara 2: 16-17]

when He made the Universe, He could have used this method for its creation.

2 -
Allah created and upholds the laws of Physics - through which He forms the Universe and keeps it functioning as we see. So according to our beliefs, these laws are nothing more then the habitual acts of God.

3 -
Allah can change the laws whenever He wants. - If the laws of physics are merely the habitual acts of God, then obviously it isn't a problem for God to act out of His habitual ways. Or in other words, it's not a problem for God to act outside these laws.

can change the present laws of the Universe for an intended purpose.

[I.e. He may change the physics of the Universe for an intended purpose i.e. Preparation for Judgment Day etc.]

By using the above Arguments, you have answered the Original Question Without giving up your religious beliefs, Without contradicting science, and Without long dispute.

This is also useful because we are encouraged - by Allah - to study Science and find out about the Universe, so even if new scientific discoveries were made and older theories discarded, these 3 principles will remain the same.

Allahu a'lam.

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