Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Is the Universe Eternal? [and Why I believe 'God did it' ]

Is this Universe Really Eternal?

No, it's not.

I will address 3 main points in this article to support the Theist [believing in God] stance inshaa' Allah.

The 1st point will explain Scientifically why the Multi/Universe cannot be Eternal.

The 2nd point will be Philosophical as to why the Multi/Universe is not eternal.

The 3rd point will discuss why I believe God is the Designer of this Universe.

: The Big Bang.

Edwin Hubble studied the universe through his innovative famous Hubble Telescope, and discovered that the stars in our universe were gradually distancing from each other, concluding that the universe was continuously expanding. But if the universe was continuouslly expanding as time progressed, how was the universe like in the past? How was the universe like in the beginning? He concluded that if the universe is expanding into the future, if reversed - it would have become smaller and smaller, until it started from a single point - a Singularity. This Singularity is a point with enormous mass all condensed, to fit that single point. In the future - this single point would expand continuously to form an expanding universe - like the one we live in right now. It would be within this Universe that everything takes place.

(NOTE: Whether you agree or disagree with the Big Bang is a separate issue, but this is when you are addressing the atheists.)

This is as far as science takes us. Anything that could happen 'before' this Singularity is not proven in Science. Since this Singularity was the origin of our universe according to the theory of the Big Bang.

What Caused the Big Bang?

When Theists heard of the Big Bang, they joyed in the fact that this Universe had a Origin point - refuting the Atheists & Philosophers of old who said the Universe was static/existant forever without the need of God. Atheists on the other hand denied that God did it, and they replied - this Universe is part of a series of other Universes [A Multiverse] - maybe forming as a side reaction to them other Universes. But both groups can't actually prove their statements, since this is out of the boundaries of scientific discovery.

A point to consider however is that: The argument of the atheist is not really a powerful one - since the question just shifts to - How did the Multiverse originate (instead of, how did the Universe originate)?

If the atheist was to reply back with the classical; Who created God, the reply could be that: God is not created, He is timeless. This however logically fits. A universe going back infinitly in time, defies logic especially when considering Entropy (as will be explained below). A God which is timeless on the other hand (meaning not inside of the dimension of time) does not defy logic.

1) The Scientific Explanation: The Rule of Entropy.

Imagine a glass of Ice, placed in a hot room. The ice will gradually melt, and become water, and finally the water will heat up to the temperature of the room. This water cannot return back to ice form in such an environment.

Now imagine this Universe/Multiverse - it has alot of Energy Stored within it [potential/stored energy]. This energy causes the movements [kinetic energy] of the planets/stars etc. But Energy continuously changes state - this Movement Energy converts into Heat Energy as a side reaction. This Heat Energy does not cause much benefit since it cannot change into a useful state of Energy.

Energy of the Universe:

Potential/Stored Energy --> Movement Energy (of the Planets/stars etc.) --> Heat Energy (unuseful Energy.)

Energy is Limited (due to Universe being in Closed system) --- Planet/star movement Produces Heat --- When Heat at Maximum, Maximum Entropy reached. Universe Stops moving.

Key: --> (Produces.)

As the Stored/Potential Energy is used, Movement is Produced - so Heat is produced.

When the Stored Energy is totally used up, the Movement of the Universe stops, and the Heat Energy has reached its maximum. This Heat Energy is irreversible and cannot cause Movement again, just like the water cannot return back to ice in that environment. Just like a battery has used up all its energy. This is in effect called Maximum Entropy (Maximum Heat Reached).

So the Universe/Multiverse has a limited amount of Energy - due to the theory of the Multiverse seeing the Multiverse with the same Universal laws as the Universe we live in. Since this Universe has a closed system, the Multiverse also has a closed system. And a closed system is like a sugar tablet, it will only contain a limited amount of Energy, which when used up - ceases to provide energy for anything.

So we see that according to the Rule of Entropy, we should reflect on the following points;

1] If the Multiverse was Eternal/Infinite/Forever years old, it would run out of Useful Energy along time ago (since Maximum Entropy would already be reached then.).

2] (Based on 1) No Useful Energy an infinite time ago - would make it Impossible for this Universe to come into existence (since this Universe would require Energy to form & expand.)

3] HOWEVER, this universe did come into existence.

2] There will be a time when this Universe, or even Multiverse will come to an End in the future.

When this Multiverse comes to an End (due to Maximum Entropy being reached) - It stops functioning. - Where does this universe/multiverse get its new Useful Energy from? It would need Energy from an outside source. Meaning that there has to be a 'first Original cause' for everything all over again.

2) The Philosophical Argument: Infinite people Ahead of You, Will you ever get your turn?

A Universe/s Regressing back Infinitely is illogical. How?

Imagine you're standing in a line, with infinite amount of people standing ahead of you.

Will you ever get your turn?

The same way this universe would never get its chance to come into existence, if infinite universes were before it.

The same way
God is not created by a series of infinitely regressing created gods, otherwise this God would have infinite amount of 'gods' before He could 'come into existence'.

So instead we affirm that God is One, the Originator, without being created. And this does not defy logic, since God by definition is infinite.

3) Why do I believe God did it?

Theists argue that its miraculous that this Universe contains life [i.e. on Earth].

Atheists will reply that it's lucky that this Universe does contain life, but this is a product of coincidence, since the many Universes before may not have contained life, until this one was able to be in a way to support it (Also known as the Anthropic Principle.)

So how can you take such a point to your advantage?

Reply: Scientifically, we're only aware of this one Universe. There is no scientific proof of other Universes/Multiverse. So the fact that we are sure of this Universe, and the fact that its probable that only this Universe has ever been existant - then this Universe being suitable for life is a miraculous feat. Furthermore, its even more miraculous that this Universe is not only suitable for life, but actually sustains life too, and has done so for many thousands of years. This seems miraculous to me, especially when this is the only Universe that we're scientifically aware of.

The Atheist will probably reply; "you find the world/universe miraculous to observe, but if it didn't sustain us, we [the human race] wouldn't be able to observe it." [i.e. we wouldn't even be able to observe the universe if it wasn't suitable to sustain us.]

Your Counter-Reply would be; That is what you could call the "contra-anthropic-principle". But that seems like a fancy way for saying, "It is like that because if it weren't like that then it wouldn't be like that". Well yeah, obviously, but that still doesn't make it any less miraculous than it already is!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

I think i'm losin it...

I think i'm losin it...

i wasn't happy..

the hour drew near every sec,

n i felt in a state of fear..

was i doin the right thing, was i in check?

i've lost so many battles.. but the war goes on.

i dno.. but i gota stay strong.

this life, its just a delusion.

but i still, for some reason.. run around in confusion.

i say i want less, but i desire more..

is that cuz i'm overburdin myself, or is it cuz i'm unsure?

its because i'm losing it again.. i'm losin that spark.

its like.. once again, i'm wanderin in the dark.

i need the light, i need to be free.

but constantly, i'm in a state of anxiety.

its' because i'm losin it again.. but what if its cuz i've stopped?

i dno.. its like it just dropped.

i'm praying to Allaah, once again, that i become strong.

i think i lost it.. cuz i did so many wrongs.

i overburdened myself, and i never worked hard to strengthen my self again.

thats cuz emaan dies, if u dnt re-affirm it.

don't you know, that Allaah says "oh ye who believe, BELIEVE in Allaah and His Messenger*"?

That's because.. He knows that faith dies..

you gota re-strengthen it, open your eyes.

Don't make islaam a habit.. work hard.

The same way you did, right from the start.

That's just a reminder, if you once forgot.

cuz i did too, then i got lost.

pray to the One, who gave it you first.

And stay sincere, cuz you know it's worth.


* Qur'an al-Nisa 4.136

My Love Story...

Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh.

My Love Story...

She came into my life, when i needed her the most
when i had lost it all, the trust, the care, emotion.

she taught me that i could trust people again
that i could love and respect once more.

making me think different to how others would percieve.
when i felt weak, she'd empower me.

Her presence was pleasing and brought peace to my heart
the scenes of the world were colourful now, pure art.

She encouraged me to ask Allah, and He would give..
So by His Mercy i'd learn patience, and to forgive.

We'd work together and be strong.
Even though our journey was tiresome, and long..

..but time moved forward, and situations changed. The world distracted. The love didn't increase, just conflicted.

"i'm sorry" i'd say regretfully. "repent to Allah" she would reply.

but the love wouldn't rise again. Sins would rise. Our relationship began to change...
My heart was greedy, and it wanted more.

the gaze wouldnt lower when passers flaunted
the heart said no, but the desires taunted.

the heart covered itself in dirt of black.

soon.. she left, and didn't come back...

the regret hurt, and loneliness messed my head.
Couldn't go sleep, couldn't rest.

i covered the pain with sin
might remove this pain i'm in?

the pain persisted and the desire more
so i increased in rebellion,
but this feeling wouldnt go..

..i had lost myself..
my regret overpowered

i went in search

she was with her protector, waiting to be found.
Just waiting for me to come around.
She missed me too
but i couldnt be with her, until i gave her her due.

what is your due, i humbly asked?

To pray, to obey, and be steadfast
thats the only way - our relationship lasts.

To be the friend of Allah, and think of death often.
To humble yourself, and do good action

to prepare for that moment, when we all run away
except the one who prepared for that Day

so fear Allah and be committed
to our relationship, so you're admitted,

in the gardens of joy

don't be the people of hell
the home of destruction, a fire filled cell.

mend your ways now, its the right thing to do,
deep down, you know i care for you..

i listened attentively, understanding.. I was wrong in desiring more.

When she was enough for me, when she made me joy.
That smile of that kid, who finds his toy.

The simplicity, the balance, the pact we kept.

Thats what we wanted - without regret.

i asked her Protector, who gave her me back.
This experience had put me on track.

except this time i was sure
i didnt need to exceed desires for more.

the experience gave me fresh strength

The true Joy was in being content.


..We're now together - together till death,
a promise we've - upto now - kept.

i hope it remains this way.
oh Allah, don't let us stray.
from your Mercy and pleasure.
since that's the only way, we'll stay together.

now you know, this was my love story..
except, it wasn't what you expected it to be.

this girl, her name was Imaan*.
except she wasn't a girl, she's my faith - that kept me strong.

Imaan is my joy, my love, and pleasure..
the one i've tried to find - through many - in haraam,
except this caused the least harm,
..the one I still treasure.

*Meaning Faith/trust [I.e. Iman billah (a trust/contract with Allah/God)

I ask Allah to make us love Imaan, to travel with her - always, to cause us to die with her, and to arise on Judgment Day with her by our side.

How did Allah make the Universe? [An easy reply to Atheists.]

Asalam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabakaraktuh.

How did Allah make the Universe?

[An easy reply to Atheists.]

Many Atheists
(disbelievers in God) ask Theists (believers in God) that if God created the Universe, how did He actually make it? What are the exact details?

The dilemma
: The Theists then become confused as to how they should reply, they don't want to say something about God without knowledge, nor do they want to disagree that God does not contradict science.

So what's the Answer?

The Answer in 3 basic steps:

1 -
"Be! and it Is." Allah/God creates through different methods, one method is of Him saying Kun [Be!] fa ya Koon [and it is]. [see Surah Yasin 36:81-2. Or al Baqara 2: 16-17]

when He made the Universe, He could have used this method for its creation.

2 -
Allah created and upholds the laws of Physics - through which He forms the Universe and keeps it functioning as we see. So according to our beliefs, these laws are nothing more then the habitual acts of God.

3 -
Allah can change the laws whenever He wants. - If the laws of physics are merely the habitual acts of God, then obviously it isn't a problem for God to act out of His habitual ways. Or in other words, it's not a problem for God to act outside these laws.

can change the present laws of the Universe for an intended purpose.

[I.e. He may change the physics of the Universe for an intended purpose i.e. Preparation for Judgment Day etc.]

By using the above Arguments, you have answered the Original Question Without giving up your religious beliefs, Without contradicting science, and Without long dispute.

This is also useful because we are encouraged - by Allah - to study Science and find out about the Universe, so even if new scientific discoveries were made and older theories discarded, these 3 principles will remain the same.

Allahu a'lam.
