As-slamu 'Alaykum.
First of all I want to say how grateful I am to Allah who helped in creating this wonderful website, and the scholars who worked so hard to help out others in need. I have a question about our DEAR PROPHET MOHAMMAD(PBUH). |
I know that their were large amount of pagans living in Mecca and small amount of Christians and Jews who were living in Mecca before the revelation had been sent to Mohammad (pbuh) from Gabriel. But I am confused that could those Christians or Jews who were in Mecca give information to Mohammad (pbuh) from the Bible in order to reproduce the Qur'an? |
If there were any, they were forced by the Quraysh to remain on the outskirts of Makkah, because the Quraysh feared to lose their business and trade of idols. So they would try to keep these people who were against idol worship [the Jews and Christians] from being outside the influence of the Arabs. So they kept them on the outskirts of Makkah. [This is mentioned in Muhammadur Rasulullah (Muhammad, the Messenger of God), by Abul Hassan Nadwi.]
Now someone can argue that Prophet Muhammad would go outside of Makkah to visit these Christians or Jews on the outskirts. But the reality is, this was never the case. He was from the noble tribe of Quraysh, so he was always kept eye on by his people as to his whereabouts, since the arabs cared about their tribesmen.
But if they still persist on this argument, then we have to ask them; who was this arab (or even non arab) who was at such a high level of arabic language, who had such deep knowledge of its literature, aswell as the history of the previous religions - to give a Qur'an which couldn't be imitated by even the nobles of Quraysh - who were at the highest degrees of arabic rhetoric and eloquence?
These people won't be able to give a name. So instead, they'll say that it was a man who was not well known. But for someone to not be well known, yet to have such amazing language skills in arabic, with whom no-one can compete with - cannot be a reality. This person, if he had such high level of the arabic language AND the history of Christians and Jews, his name would be known amongst all the arabs, and in history books till today. Why? Because poetry was the biggest source of media at that time, the arabs would spread news through it - so the news would spread over Arabia through someone who is extremely eloquent. Its like saying CNN news channel is well known around the world, because its the biggest source of News media.
Now if someone is so eloquent, that they teach Prophet Muhammad [whose never had a reputation for being poetic/shaa'ir], then the one who he hears it off will also have to be famous in the arabic language. His name should have been well known. But the thing is, these people, nor the Quraysh at that time could prove that it was another human, they couldn't even give a name.
Shockingly, uptill today - nobody has been able to compete or equal the Qur'an. So if it was limited for that time only, how come no-one can still reach its height today?
Here's some examples;
I know Mohammad pbuh was illiterate but still could they have hid out somewhere and given him the information, maybe in the Ga'ra Hira or somewhere else? |
Imagine he was in the cave of Hira, and he stayed there for a year or abit more or less. As soon as he got the first revelations, he never went back there again. And for 23years of his life, he never returned there again.
So who did he get the rest of the Qur'an off?
Furthermore, the Qur'an talks about new situations which the Prophet has never faced before, things he couldn't even imagine while being in the cave. i.e. the battles he faced, and the different rulings, and even the questions which the people of other religions asked him [to confirm if he really was a Messenger of Allah or not]. Yet he was correct in these answers.
Now who did he hear these answers off?
Think about it, after his claim of Prophethood, none of his companions left him. They recorded everything about him, and even when he went home - his wives watched everything he did. So when would he have the time to go to a hidden person to get all his information?
Someone might say that he knew enough now because he had learnt it all beforehand, but this isn't true, since he faced newer and newer situations and was asked newer questions by even the Jews and Christians, to which he gave the correct responses.
So again, who did he get this info. off, and where did he go? To answer 'someplace but i dont know' is not enough. Otherwise, that persons argument isn't worthy anything.
I also want to know all the Christians MOHAMMAD(PBUH) knew in Mecca before the revelation. I know there was WARAQA but he died early, other than WARAQA could there be other Christians in Mecca to do this. |
The third question I have is, did the Christians and Jews in Mecca before the revelation had bible and Torah teaching to the people or did the Quarish stop them from doing that. |
And did those Christians in Mecca even have the bible available or NOT or was it only in Syria, since that’s where most of the Christians and Jews lived. |
Also I know a illiterate person can not read or write but he could be thought by saying the sentence repeatedly maybe the Christian repeated the same sentence in Arabic translating the bible into Arabic over and over since MOHAMMAD (PBUH) was sitting in the cave for long time. |
And even then, the bible isn't eloquent like the Qur'an is. So if you translate the Bible, and put it into arabic, its not going to be like the Qur'an.
Since Prophet Muhammad is not poetic, and has never had a history of being poetic like the arabs, then who put the bible in the Qur'anic form? If someone says the christian did, then why would this christian make a Qur'an which opposes his own beliefs [i.e. the parts which oppose the trinity etc]?
Furthermore, how did this christian know what would happen for the remainder of the 23years in the life of Prophet Muhammad and his companions (since the Qur'an discusses this in depth too)?
I do feel ashamed asking these kinds of questions but then again Mohammad (pbuh) said do whatever you can to seek knowledge, I know this can never be true about Mohammad (pbuh) but I keep getting doubts in my mind can you please give me evidence to support these questions. Thank you very much. I do not want to lose my religion ISLAM just because of the fake doubts can you please help me. May Allah Give you a place in JANNAH. |
The main thing you should keep in mind is that Prophet Muhammad has never been a untrustworthy character, from before his Prophethood, and even after his Prophethood. The fact that he has never lied once, even about minor matters proves this, so why would he lie about Allah? And if he had lied about Allah, then Allah would destroy a liar, and Allah would not make him victorious, like he truly was.
Allah knows best.
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