Wednesday 2 January 2008

homosexuality, is it right?

homosexuality, is it right?

Those who claim that homosexuality is right, their reasoning is that these people should have the freedom to have a relationship which they desire without anyone restricting their rights.

Now, if people use that as the basis of argument - then they need to question whether it is okay for a brother and sister to commit incest? If they love each other? Why is it still illegal in many parts of the US whereas homosexuality isn't?

If they still agree with that, then they should know that this is immoral, not just because they are having sex with their own family members, but because their children are likely to be affected a great deal by this, since having sex within closer relatives poses more of a threat of genetic diseases.

If the person still believes that they should be allowed to do that, then is it also moral to have sex with ones mother or father? If they both are mature and fit for it, willing to do it?

If someone says that this is moral, then who will their children be? Will they be sons/daughters? What will their child be to them? It can't be a son/daughter, nor can it be a brother/sister - so who is this child to them?

Is this really moral?

How about having sex with an animal, is this moral? Some may argue that animals cannot consent for sex, but what if an animal makes the first move and approaches the person sexually, is it moral then to have sex with that animal?

If the person is still going to play along and think that this is moral, is it moral to have sex with ones partner, and after having intercourse with them - you kill them and then eat them. Is this moral, if both parties had consented to it?

Since people like comparing themselves to animals so much, i'd love to hear a response to this - especially the last one (since fishing spiders * eat their mates after mating.)


Some people argue that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children, this isn't fair and it is immoral. The main reason is because it causes Psychological issues for the child - a person without a father is more likely to have psychological difficulties, aswell as a person lacking a mother. This is why homosexuals adopting children will not ease the child's situation. Rather, a child requires a mother and a father to have a good balance, the caring treatment of a mother, and a role model figure as a father. If this is lacking - the child may have psychological difficulties;

Homosexuals should be allowed to Adopt?

Some people argue that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children, this isn't fair and it is immoral. The main reason is because it causes Psychological issues for the child - a person without a father is more likely to have psychological difficulties, aswell as a person lacking a mother. This is why homosexuals adopting children will not ease the child's situation. Rather, a child requires a mother and a father to have a good balance, the caring treatment of a mother, and a role model figure as a father. If this is lacking - the child may have psychological difficulties

Drug And Alcohol Abuse: The absence of the father from the home affects significantly the behavior of adolescents and results in greater use of alcohol and marijuana.

Source: Deane Scott Berman, "Risk Factors Leading to Adolescent Substance Abuse," Adolescence 30 (1995): 201-206

Fatherless children are five times more likely to live in poverty, compared to children living with both parents.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, DC, 1993.

Fatherless children are at dramatically greater risk of suicide.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, DC, 1993.

In 1988, a study of preschool children admitted to New Orleans hospitals as psychiatric patients over a 34-month period found that nearly 80 percent came from fatherless homes.

Source: Jack Block, et al. "Parental Functioning and the Home Environment in Families of Divorce," Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27 (1988)

Kids who live with both biological parents at age 14 are significantly more likely to graduate from high school than those kids who live with a single parent, a parent and step-parent, or neither parent.

Source: G.D. Sandefur (et al.), "The Effects of Parental Marital Status..." Social Forces, September 1992.

43 percent of prison inmates grew up in a single-parent household -

39 percent with their mothers, 4 percent with their fathers - and an additional 14 percent lived in households without either biological parent. Another 14 percent had spent at last part of their childhood in a foster home, agency or other juvenile institution.

Source: US Bureau of Justice Statistics, Survey of State Prison Inmates. 1991

Much more continued here: one-English-Family%2FFYELayout

The potential of psychological harm to children arising from homosexual adoption was highlighted by Spanish doctors in their report on the subject, "It's Not the Same: Report on Child Development with Same Sex Couples," published in 2005 (see original in Spanish at

In the report the authors lament the lack of rigorous studies on the issue, but observe that existing studies indicate that children adopted by same-sex couples "more frequently suffer from psychological problems, in particular: low self esteem, stress, insecurity regarding their future life in relationships and having children," and "sexual identity disruption" among other effects.

Spanish Judge Put on Trial for "Obstructing" Homosexual Adoption

If one was to respond that it is better for a child to be adopted by a homosexual couple instead of remaining in an orphanage, then the response to this is that another harm should not be caused because of a previous harm.

Rather, it should be encouraged for a couple (husband and wife) to foster children whose parents may be unknown. However, it should not be done through a harmful method.

Children need a caring mother figure, and a role model father to look upto. That's the perfect healthy design and balance which Allah has made us in. It should remain that way to help society as a whole become a better place.

If one was to respond that it is better for a child to be adopted by a homosexual couple instead of remaining in an orphanage, then the response to this is that another harm should not be caused because of a previous harm.

Rather, it should be encouraged for a couple (husband and wife) to foster children whose parents may be unknown. However, it should not be done through a harmful method.

Abdul Fattah;

In psychology there's a big debate one nature vs. nurture. Nature says that certain characteristics like homosexuality are genetic, whereas nurture says that it is thought from the subjects environment. Most psychologists though, suspect that in reality it's a combination. Certain people might have a genetic tendency. That means they are more inclined towards something, or they have a higher possibility of being inclined towards. However that doesn't mean it's their inescapable nature, and that they aren't themselves if they deny this! Second of all that doesn't justify it either. The nurture vs. nature also concerns other human traits such as aggressiveness. Obviously aggressive nature does not justify hitting people. And btw, in the science department, this question is still unanswered last I checked so the genetic destiny argument doesn't fly.

Oh also note, in debates about rights, it's very likely to encounter circular reasoning like I showed in another thread: "I have a right to say what I want, therefore you shouldn’t try to silence me” or in this case: "People have the right to choose their own sexuality, therefor you shouldn't tell them homosexuality is wrong" It's important to point out that this isn't an argument, but instead an opinion.

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